
AfDB raises US$8,9bn for Africa

AfDB disclosed the funding package at the fourth and final meetings of the new replenishment (ADF16) in Morocco.


World Bank targets to pump Sh306bn in Kenyan projects

These funds will be provided in the next four years starting 2023, with the World Bank expected to push for adoption of PPPs to help lower the country’s risk to default by mobilizing more private capital, including green and climate financing.


World Bank faults Uhuru’s growth for helping the rich

“Robust GDP per capita growth since 2005, along with growth in private consumption, saw the share of the population living below the international poverty line fall from 43.9 to 33.4 per cent (2015-2019).”


Investors unmoved by impressive bank profits

KCB’s stock price has risen by a marginal 0.26 per cent to Sh37.75 from November 15 when the lender announced a 20.9 per cent net earnings jump to Sh30.4 billion.


FBN Holdings Wins at the Great Place to Work Awards

FBN Insurance Brokers received Gold Certification while FBNQuest Asset Management Limited and FBNQuest Trustees Limited received Silver certifications to cap a glorious evening for the Group at the event.