
Bank of Ghana marks 63yrs of central banking

Four months after the country gained independence from the British, the BoG opened its doors to the public after it was established under the Bank of Ghana Ordinance No. 34, 1957.


Access Bank: Propelled By Transformational Agenda

The two men, then in their 30s, were given the mandate to ensure that the bank became one of Nigeria’s leading financial institutions within a five-year period (March 2002 to March 2007).


ZUFIAW official sues Barclays, ABSA over ‘unlawful’ name change

He wants the High Court to declare that the unilateral and non-consensual transfer of the employees of Barclays Bank to ABSA Bank is a terminating event entitling the employees of Barclays Bank Zambia to payment of redundancy benefits under the applicable