
Crypto in Africa: Crypto trade termed risky in Uganda

As reported on June 28 during a Town Hall meeting in Masaka, Kasekende said, “Let me state clearly that the cryptocurrency businesses are not regulated at the moment and therefore carry a significant risk of loss of savings, with no recourse to prot


Cybercrime in the South African legal fraternity

The Attorneys Insurance Indemnity Fund (AIIF) now known as the Legal Practitioners’ Fidelity Fund (LPFF), has been notified of at least 110 cyber-scam related claims worth over R70-million since 1 July 2016.


Five Facts on Fintech

A new paper details the results of the survey alongside findings from other regional studies


How safe is our personal information?

The service agreements we sign with banks, internet providers and cellular companies allows them to collect a huge amount of our personal data.


Why Africa should embrace cryptocurrency

To think that decentralised digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum won’t fundamentally change how the world views and uses money would be rather absurd.


In Sudan, internet users find ways to beat blackout

Internet on mobile phones and fixed land connections has been widely cut across Sudan since the violent dispersal of a protest camp outside army headquarters on June 3 that left dozens dead and hundreds wounded.