
Tax issues take back seat on SA boards

Around the world, large, listed companies are troubled by cyber-security risks and company taxes, yet these concerns remain fairly low on the priority list of boards of directors.


PAC now calls for audit of all tax exemptions

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee has pushed for the auditing of all tax exemptions to determine their merit following concerns that some of them are worthless


Media urged to help fight tax evasion

Mr. Adogla Bessah, Assistant Commissioner at the Takoradi Medium Tax Office of the Ghana Revenue Authority, has urged the media to partner with the Authority to educate the public on the need to pay their taxes to the State.


PH steps up campaign vs cross-border tax evaders

The Philippines and 14 other developing countries have started to beef up efforts aimed at plugging tax leaks across borders under the auspices of a project spearheaded by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development


CMA Seeks Lower Tax to Attract Investors

Double taxation for companies and individual investors at the securities market could be scrapped in 2016, if a plan by the Capital Markets Authority is adopted.


Paying Taxes 2015: The global picture

he study investigates and compares tax regimes across 189 economies worldwide using a case study company, and ranks them according to the ease of paying taxes.


Nene can only go so far in taxing the top earners

This year’s bulletin offers much more detail than before on who pays personal income tax, how much they pay and where, providing numbers that help to analyse hot topics such as inequality and social mobility.