
CMA Seeks Lower Tax to Attract Investors

Double taxation for companies and individual investors at the securities market could be scrapped in 2016, if a plan by the Capital Markets Authority is adopted.


Paying Taxes 2015: The global picture

he study investigates and compares tax regimes across 189 economies worldwide using a case study company, and ranks them according to the ease of paying taxes.


Nene can only go so far in taxing the top earners

This year’s bulletin offers much more detail than before on who pays personal income tax, how much they pay and where, providing numbers that help to analyse hot topics such as inequality and social mobility.


Hong Kong, South Africa Sign DTA

On October 16, Hong Kong and South Africa signed a comprehensive double taxation agreement the 31st such agreement that Hong Kong has concluded.


Wealth tax on cards for South Africa

Taxpayers must prepare to further tighten their belts following the first Medium Term Budget Policy Statement from finance minister Nhlanhla Nene.


Mauritius, India in talks to address tax treaty concerns

Dispelling 'misperceptions' that Mauritius is a tax haven, its financial sector regulator has said the island nation is in discussions with India to address concerns and make changes to the bilateral tax treaty.