
Much ado about Mauritius Leaks?

The firm, which invests in African start-ups, began setting up subsidiaries in Mauritius, “an offshore jurisdiction with a wide network of double taxation treaties in interesting markets.”


Commercial Bank of Ethiopia becomes top tax payer

The Ministry has given recognition to 160 loyal tax payers, including the ruling party trading company, Trans Ethiopia, which paid a total of 417 million birr (around $14.4 million) from its operations in Mekele, Tigray.


How Mauritius is mortgaging Africa’s future

As African countries struggle to meet revenue targets, many local and international investors choose to domicile their investments in Mauritius due to its low tax regime and tax treaties.


Mauritius to green light offshore funds in 60 days

"If the authorities find that it is not in Mauritius, then the entity is not a tax resident at all, and if it's not a tax resident, then the treaty benefits it gets with other countries will not be available to it," experts said.