The new regime will apply on shares acquired on or after April 1, 2017, the finance ministry said in a statement.
From 1 October 2016 a special Voluntary Disclosure Facility will open which will allow natural persons, corporates and close companies, which are resident in South Africa, to disclose previously undisclosed foreign assets and income to regularise their t
The BEPS project and CRS are in line with international efforts to counter tax evasion, tax avoidance and fraud; it aims at making it more difficult for companies that have legal entities registered in low-tax jurisdictions to take advantage of the favora
Oxfam urged the World Bank to address the tax haven issue and “responsible corporate tax behavior” at its spring meeting that starts this week in Washington, D.C., and to implement measures to prevent multinational enterprises from using tax h
Revelations from the Panama Papers show how a company based in Jersey, a British crown dependency, attempted to avoid paying $400m (£280m) in Capital Gains Tax to the Ugandan government, writes BBC Africa's Rob Wilson.