Investec targets ‘billions of dollars’ for new ESG-themed fund
Investec’s new Global Sustainable Equity fund will prioritise investment in companies aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Investec’s new Global Sustainable Equity fund will prioritise investment in companies aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
The company has increased its Covid-19 provision by ZAR2 billion, at June 30, "to take into account the emerging expectations of wave 3 and 4 as well as potential future waves".
State agreed to pay $3.5 billion compensation for seized land
The firm was also recorgnise for its strong corporate governance, innovative financial solutions, first-class investment services, and highly skilled financial advisors.
The Director-General, DMO, Patience Oniha, while explaining some of the points in the presentation earlier made by the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed, noted that the debt stock would keep increasing as revenue is declining
This year, in terms of growth, they have landed with the Chinese AMAC private fund management license, they are opening the UK and European service offering and will be adding to its global footprint, the capabilities and beyond.
These businesses are also the engines of growth in the economy and are key to realising Kenya’s Vision 2030
“The presence of large institutional investors in the order book for this unsecured instrument confirms that TrustBanc Holdings is seen as a trustworthy counterparty by the market, ”
The top four listed companies by market capitalisation — Safaricom, Equity Bank, EABL, and KCB — have seen their share prices rise by between 16 and 35 percent since January.
According to Barrow, leadership development has to be prioritised for satisfactory business outcomes in an ever-changing work environment.
The report also added that the industry’s annual contributions, over the last five years, had averaged N699bn while withdrawals had averaged about N341bn, translating to a net annual contribution of N347bn and accounting for 26.6 per cent of the ind
Closes the period at Sh3.5 billion.
With the rising cost of living in South Africa – thanks to fuel hikes, food price increases and electricity well above inflation – the needle on take-home pay in the country has hardly moved over the last 4-5 years.
Claims in its individual life unit hit R4.75bn last year, with a 60% increase in funeral claims alone, largely attributed to Covid-19.
‘Two-bucket’ system proposed to safeguard retirement savings
The rise in sales reflected favourable growth momentum in unit-linked business and protection products, together with the corporate savings business, accounting for 90% of APE sales over the first half of the year, it said.
Starting with a total of 31 renewable energy assets from the founding partners, African Rainbow Energy will invest in projects including solar, wind and battery storage.
"His values, passion and clarity of thought became entrenched in the fabric of the business, proving invaluable and contributing to the success and growth of the Fund for over ten years," wrote Investec Property Fund when it announced his passin
The good news is that wherever your SME is in its growth curve, affordable cloud-based business solutions and ecosystems make backend process support — previously reserved for larger companies — available to even the smallest sole proprietor,
The question is then not about whether a UBIG should be implemented, but rather how it should be designed and financed.