Through the successful mobilization of international project finance, Redstone has facilitated approximately ZAR 7 billion in foreign direct investment to fund and support the strategic energy transition goals of the country.
The acquisitions were facilitated by Exotix Advisory Limited and Vetiva Capital Management Limited as Financial Advisers, Aluko&Oyebode as Legal Adviser and Deloitte&Touche (Nigeria) as Financial Due Diligence Adviser.
The lenders were measured on perceptions among different stakeholder groups, where customers are the most important, and business or financial performance.
Izak Petersen, CEO of Dipula Income Fund, said doomsday predictions about the retail apocalypse and nervousness around the possibility of further declines in property valuations are receding.
The government also wants to improve coordination between ministries and expand the PIP to local authorities, public enterprises, and public-private partnerships.
Strengthening the connections between research and industry is essential for innovation, commercialisation, and dissemination of research results.
Countries in the Middle East, especially Iraq, are a new focus of investment under China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a report out of Fudan University said today.