
Zimbabwe as a new gateway into Africa

Turning Zimbabwe into a gateway into Africa means establishing an Offshore Investment Centre with strong links to the Zimbabwe One-Stop-Investment Shop which processes investments.


Access Bank promotes Africa’s initiatives

Art X Lagos is a cornerstone of both Lagos, and the international art calendar, and, with Access Bank, it strives to not only showcase artists, but enable them to reach their goals.


Corporate bond trading fizzles out at the bourse

Companies that invested in these bonds have had to make expensive write-offs of the paper, which in turn has raised the risk that buyers are associating with company bonds thus the decision to desist from buying existing paper in the market.


Companies pledge R290bn to SA at the investment conference

In their report-back media briefing session, various ministers mentioned amounts pledged to their sectors – but none could specify if the investments were in the pipeline, had already started or were even at proposal stage.


Free capital flow places Kenya ahead of South Africa

The report ranks markets based on six pillars: market depth, access to foreign exchange, market transparency, tax and regulatory environment, macroeconomic opportunity and the legality and enforceability of standard financial markets master agreements.