
Abil shrugs off worries of credit rating downgrade

The parent company of African Bank, said that a downgrade of the unsecured lender’s credit rating would not be justified as the company had taken measures to deal with the subdued financial performance for the six months ended March.


PTA Bank aspires for more business in Uganda

The Preferential Trade Area Bank (PTA), held a Bank Business Seminar at Sheraton Hotel in Kampala on the 27th of June. - See more at: http://www.independent.co.ug/news/news/7937-pta-bank-aspires-for-more-business-in-uganda#sthash.aTX3uEhc.dpuf


Local banks stir foreign interest

Two Kenyan banks are in the radar for huge investments by top multinational corporations eyeing the country’s lucrative financial sector.