According to him, the petitioners were manipulated by a group of non-regional executive directors, not for the good governance of the African Bank, but to discredit his candidacy.
The AfDB's ethics panel completely cleared Adesina after conducting its own investigation, saying the accusations "rested on no objective, solid facts."
How well do SA’s two developmental finance institutions, the Industrial Development Corporation and the Development Bank of South Africa, measure up to best-practice international standards?
The loan, approved on 26 May, will be used to fund the country’s health and social response, support macro-economic stability, and assist the private sector
Based on this estimated financing gap, Ecobank said only six out of 20 countries have made commitments that can cover the MSMEs labour costs, including South Africa, Egypt, Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, Chad and Cape Verde.
In last month’s meeting, the Monetary Policy Committee made a 25-basis point cut in the base rate, to seven percent from 7.5 percent, which marked the fourth straight cut in the rate since the November 2019 meeting.
Through this virtual panel discussion, leaders emphasised the need for meaningful collaboration between governments and the private sector, as a requirement for the quick recovery of the economy of the African continent post-Covid-19.
Unidentified whistleblowers accused Adesina, 60, of handing contracts to acquaintances and appointing relatives to strategic positions.
Restaurants, bars and retail stores are already struggling with a decline in customer demand, repayment of bank loans, rent and utility bills, amid worries of a spike in non-performing loans under the sector.