
Conditional loans raise public debt by Sh1.23trn

Kenya had kept away from this type of credit, which come with demands for macroeconomic reforms, during administration of former President Mwai Kibaki, with most of the support from institutions like the IMF and the World Bank coming in the form of projec


Access Bank’s directors approve dividend payment

Shareholders received N14.22 billion as final dividend for the 2019 business year in addition to interim dividend of N8.89 billion earlier paid by the bank, bringing total dividend for the year to N23.11 billion.


CBK gets bigger role on digital payment systems

“To mitigate against such threats, CBK is in the process of formulating a National Payments Strategy to address emerging risks and guide the payments ecosystem in Kenya,” he added.


Regulate mobile money, but don’t kill innovation

A National Payments Strategy will "address emerging risks and guide the payments in Kenya and ensure pricing practices are reflective of the overall stance on customer-centricity, affordability, and transparency."


DRC’s problems with Kenya’s Equity Bank and James Mwangi

At the end of December, the Kenyan financial services giant – which reported revenue of KSh76bn in 2019 – received the green light to merge its banking network with the newly acquired company, thereby increasing its stake in Equity BCDC to mor


CBK backs banks to lift growth despite lending risks

CBK attributes the increase in NPLs to the subdued business environment, and banks continuing to make provisions – funds set aside to cover loans unlikely to be repaid, as COVID-19 impact borrowers’ income streams.