By 2036, the working-age population of the continent will exceed each of India and China’s, according to research by the Institute for Securities Study and International Futures.
Ms Dos Santos, 46, is one of the world's richest women, with Forbes magazine estimating her fortune to be worth $2.2bn, making her the richest woman in Africa.
Economic and political polarization will intensify, as collaboration is needed more than ever to respond to severe threats to climate, public health, and technology systems
To make things worse, the scams are quite sophisticated as scams go. For example, here’s the ‘Letter of Demand Scam’:
At a time of unprecedented change, when recurring demands are made on firms’ data management, processing and reporting capabilities, nobody wants to add to their operational burdens.
Now conditions are very different, valuations are much more stretched and the outlook is more challenging than it was when the last decade started, Koekemoer says.
Equity fees accounted for just 5% of the overall Sub-Saharan African investment banking fee pool during 2019, the lowest share on record, while syndicated lending fees accounted for a record high of 44%. M&A bond fees generated 37% and 13%, respective
I wonder, from an economic point of view, what issues you believe will subject the South African economy to either more punishment or a reprieve from pressure.