
All Women Need to Do is Push Back

FINS caught up with Rezvani, 34, to chat about why negotiation isn't as frightening as it seems and what can be done to nudge women in the right direction.


Software without the technology headaches

The industry is buzzing with new technology; and with new technology comes new buzzwords and phrases! “Cloud Computing”, “Software on Demand”, “Software as a Service”.


The Science and Art of Investing Can Harm Your Returns

The complex details are exhaustively set forth in the report. No one could quarrel with the stated goal, which is “to add alpha, or risk-adjusted excess returns, of greater than 2 percent annually to readily available indexes over a market cycle.&rd



I have to say that I am sick to death of all the doom-mongers and depressants that seem to be continuously preaching to us at the moment.


World economy in dangerous situation: IMF chief

The head of the International Monetary Fund said the world economy was in danger and urged Europeans to speak with one voice on a debt crisis that has rattled the global financial system.


Is the Financial Crisis a Male Syndrome?

Research by Carol Gilligan illustrates that women have a different kind of moral voice than men—a voice of connection and caring vs. the male belief in abstract justice.


‘Great scope for managing assets in the Mena region

Finding great opportunity in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) region in view of the huge and growing pool of wealth, fund managers across the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) have called for unified rules governing asset management in the region.


Bankers fear repeat of 2008 meltdown

Josef Ackermann, the Deutsche Bank chief executive, said conditions in Europe reminded him of September 2008, when the US investment bank Lehman Brothers failed and the world started its worst recession since the 1930s.


Riding rough waters

Oman, despite being a politically stable regime with a transparent economy, has had to face its share of protests and unrest as seen in other regional countries.


A world without growth is a possibility

The author of Extreme Money, Satyajit Das, says that governments are fixated on economic growth strategies to get out of the sovereign debt mess they are in. But he says they don't appear to have considered what will happen if growth does not recover


Commitment, Continuity and Consistency

The Bahamas, while only 38-years-old as an independent country, is rich in history with the oldest democracy and one of the longest established international financial services sector in the region.