
Nigeria, development and religion

He welcomed the plan by the IDB to fast-track the take-off of the bilingual education programme, aimed at integrating the Almajiri system of education into western education in Nigeria.


Emerging Market Companies to Grow Rapidly

Henderson just launched their new emerging markets fund, however, year —to-date, the best performing funds in the class were with Wholesale plus, Lazard, OnePath and Colonial First State


FirstRand sounds alarm over spat

Burger said the low growth combined with poor leadership in government owned businesses had added a fiscal risk which was likely to result in a sovereign downgrade by the end of the year.


Comment: Could change be brewing in Kenya?

Sailesh Navsaria, Head of Africa Strategy & Development at Minerva Group in Jersey, examines the impact of a tax amnesty in Kenya – not only on the country itself but further afield in the UK and Channel Islands