According to him, the amount being used to save the banking sector could easily have gone into direct government policies like maternal health care or free Senior High School which would have been of direct benefit to the populace.
South Africa does not have significant energy deposits but has a large, albeit struggling, mining industry.
The other 15 countries lay somewhere in the middle, largely declining to regulate them directly, stating that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies fall under a legal gray area and warning investors against investing in them.
Rising Citizen Expectations, Rapid Technological Change, and Increasing Complexity Are Putting Major Pressure on Government—and Making the Traditional Hierarchical Public-Sector Structure Dangerously Outdated
Schussler said businessmen and investors, including foreign investors, did not know what was meant by it and South Africa was putting up another barrier to investors when it should be bringing down these barriers.
“We have seen this for a few years now and most of the banks have been good on costs, but cost growth below inflation rates is not sustainable,”
The three cities with double-digit growth were Guangzhou, China (which grew by 11.9%), Singapore (up 11.5%) and Madrid, Spain (up 10.3%).